Friday, 12 March 2010

The Light of Life

The Light of Life from daihei shibata on Vimeo.

Thought I would share this stunning piece of animation. I am always in awe when I see these types of organic artistic pieces of CGI executed so well. To turn something that is completely digital and fabricated into something so beautiful is a talent I just don't possess (or at least not yet). My work is still very much grounded in the real world, but this is something else entirely and it blows me away. Check it out.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


instrumental video nine from beeple on Vimeo.

Not the most original idea ever but extremely well executed. This guy is scarily talented. Not many people have such a great eye for design and composition and such a great ear for music and sound. He makes lots of VJ footage which he releases under creative commons for all to use, so get your fill.

Star Trek: The Wrath of the Lens Flare

Just finally got round to watching JJ Abrams Star Trek. The visual effects were stunning, the story was as good as that kind of formulaic American blockbuster can be, the sound was amazing (especially the first space battle with Kirk's dad, the subjective sound focusing in on the baby crying over all the battle going on in the background) and even the performances were pretty decent considering the cliched characters the actors had to work with. But the lens flares. What the hell was going on?