Friday 31 May 2013

Are ACES High or Low?

Right, I promise the title is the only card pun I'll put in this post. Its been ages since my last blog post due to a mixture of not being inspired by any topics and just being busy. My 4th feature as Editor was locked early this year and a month or two ago I finished the grade and sent the film off to the guys as Carousel Media Company for them to create the DCP and other deliverables. Now I'm in a little bit of down period before my next film so I'm going to be focusing on networking, planning ahead and research.

One thing I've come across in my relentless pursuit to know everything about digital post is the ACES (Academy Color Encoding Specification) colour space and how it can be implemented in post-production workflows. Why should you care about this? Well, if your concerned about making beautiful images you should know about it because it can improve colour rendition and help you bring footage from various different cameras (that all "see" the world differently) into line with each other. Now, whilst reading this please bear in mind that I'm only just dipping my toe into this world. ACES is used in the highest end film workflows and I'm really only just grasping the basics here.